- First one is I will re-stock my Etsy shop. Etsy did particularly well over the Winter months so I want to re-make and re-list all the items that sold
- New items - never before seen in my shop are promised too (I know I promised that last year) but now I have less outlets to worry about since I will be closing down my Artfire store soon.
- I will be doing a craft show in Fall/winter of next year so I will be making 3 of my 10" elves per week until then and maybe some hair barrettes and brooches too.
- I have some lovely yarn that I've been given via swaps or presents - many from other countries. I've been afraid to use them 'cos firstly they are too nice, and secondly I might run out partway through a project and I can't get more -- well, this year, I'm going to man-up and use them on something nice for me - even if I have to buy something similar in UK yarn to finish them off.
I made 3 elves last week,
made a blue sheep as a replacement for the white and lilac ones that sold in my etsy shop
and made myself a market bag using some "sugar n cream stripes" that I got in a yellow themed swap last year. Even though I had to finish it off with some British Rico aran cotton.
So pleased with it that I might make some in entirely British cotton for the Etsy shop.
So things are looking promising for this year's promises